1. He had been impressed by their devotion and purity, their self-control and renunciation. �������ǵ�����ʹ��࣬���ƺ�������������
2. The truth is that spiritual matters like self-purification and renunciation cannot be measured by Time scale. �����Ҵ��������������ķ��������ⲻ����ʱ��ij߶�������������������
3. This novel mainly depicts Maggie's five rebellions, each of which represents an oscillation from self-renunciation to self-fulfillment on each occasion. ��С˵��Ҫ�������꼪����η�����Ϊ��ÿ�η�����Ϊ�Ա�ʾ������������������ʵ�ֵĹ��̡�
1. renunciation of your own interests in favor of the interests of others