1. The act or habit of deliberate self-denial. '����'��''��������������''��'����'��''����Ϊ��ϰ�ߡ�
2. Self-denial is not a virtue; it is only the result of prudence on rascality. ���ҷ�����һ�����¡����DZ�����Ϊ�ľ��������
3. Let us learn this great lesson that abstinence, temperance, and self-denial in temporal things, is a help to the spiritual life. ��������ѧϰ����ش�Ĺ��Σ����ǽ�ʳ����ʳ���������ϵ��Ἲ���������������������ġ�
1. the trait of practicing self discipline
2. the act of denying yourself; controlling your impulses
3. renunciation of your own interests in favor of the interests of others