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seize [si:z]



    vt. ץס����ȡ�����⣻����
    vi. ץס�����ã�����������ס



arrest   ָ���ݷ��ɻ�������д��������Լ���������
capture   ָͨ���������ı�ȣ�սʤ�ֿ���׽ס���˻��
catch   ��ͨ�ôʣ�ָ׽ס�ܶ��������е��˻��һ��ָ��׽��
seize   ����ָ��ͻȻ�������ض���Ѹ��ץס��׽ס��
trap   ��ָ�ղ���


    1. Panic seized me when I saw the scenes.
    2. So if you have the capability to know yourself, seize the chance.
    3. I hope that everyone can enjoy yourself and seize this opportunity to learn something useful from this contest.


      1. take hold of; grab
      2. take or capture by force
      3. take possession of by force, as after an invasion
      4. take temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority
      5. seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one's right or possession
      6. hook by a pull on the line
      7. affect
      8. capture the attention or imagination of


    ץס; �ɻ�; ��׽; ��ȡ;
    seize opportunities
    ץס����; ׽ס����; ׽ס����;
    seize on
    ץס; ��񣬿�Ѻ��; ץ��; ����;
    Seize adulterer
    ׽��; ׽ ��;
    seize upon
    ץס; ץ��;


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