1. MA Zhongjin. The preliminary of the active structure and engineering seism. Beijing: Seism Press. ���ڽ������������빤�̵����M�ݡ���������������硣
2. Li Wenda, Mao Jianren, Zhu Yunhe, et al. 1998. Mesozoic Igneous Rocks and Ore Deposits in Southeastern China. Beijing: Seism Press (in Chinese. ���Ĵë���ʣ����ƺף��ȡ�1998���й����ϲ�����������������������������硣
3. Tibet and its vicinity is varied from other regions in physiognomy, later-Cenozoic sediment, tectonism, seism activity and other aspects, these forms its particular geologic background. ���ؼ������ӵ�ò�����������������ʯȦ���켰�����Եȷ���������������Ȼ��ͬ������������صĵ��ʱ�����
1. shaking and vibration at the surface of the earth resulting from underground movement along a fault