alphabet ָ������ĸϵͳ��һ�����Ե���ĸ��������������ĸ�� letter ָ��������ĸ�� character ͨ��ָ����ķ����֣�Ҳָ�ַ��� script ָ��д��ӡˢ����ĸ��
1. Well, thanks. I liked that script. �ޣ�лл����ϲ���Ǹ��籾��
2. You can stop debugging to keep your changes or you can reload the script from the file. �����ֹͣ�����������������Ļ��߿��Դ��ļ������¼��ؽű���
3. Prepare a program / script to run once a day to check whether the agent record the right information. Inform QC to correct the wrong records. ��дһ������/�ű�ÿ������һ�Σ��Լ������˼�¼����Ϣ�Ƿ���ȷ��֪ͨ������أ��Ծ�������ļ�¼��
1. a written version of a play or other dramatic composition; used in preparing for a performance
2. something written by hand
3. a particular orthography or writing system v.
1. write a script for