despise��scorn��look down upon
despise ָ���ڱ��ɡ���������С����ֵ�ȶ������ӡ� scorn ������ǿ��ָ���˵����ӣ������з�ŭ����ŭ����С� look down upon ָ���ӵ�λ��Խ���������˻��¡�
1. His bad action was scorned by the public. ���Ķ��Ӿٶ����ҵİ��ۡ�
2. All these indeed held to our scorn. ������IJ��ò���Ц��һ�С�
3. The artist looked at her with scorn. �������ԡ����ӡ����۹⿴������
1. lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike
2. open disrespect for a person or thing v.
1. look down on with disdain
2. reject with contempt