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scoop [sku:p]



    vt. ��Ҩȡ�����Ȼ�ã��Ѽ�
    n. �ף����ӣ��������ţ�����



    1. to scoop a huge sum in stock exchange
    2. By hammer, scoop and file.
    3. This small rodent can scoop out a long, narrow tunnel in a very short time.


      1. the quantity a scoop will hold
      2. a hollow concave shape made by removing something
      3. a news report that is reported first by one news organization
      4. street names for gamma hydroxybutyrate
      5. the shovel or bucket of dredge or backhoe
      6. a large ladle
      1. take out or up with or as if with a scoop
      2. get the better of


    ��Ѷ; �涷���ռ���; ��������; 輣�С��;
    ice scoop
    ����; ���; ����; ��Ͱ;
    scoop up
    �ò���ȡ; ����; ����; ����;
    neck scoop
    dir scoop


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