1. I never scolded,even if my children made mistakes. �ҴӲ�ϲ�����𣬼�ʹ�ҵĺ��ӷ��˴�����Ҳ������
2. A girl of ten, you say, and she presumes to scold her lawful king. һ��ʮ���Ů������˵������ȴ����ָ�����Ϸ��Ĺ�����
3. Mark Twain was a determinist. Yet he never ceased to scold the human race. ���ˡ�������һ���������ߡ�Ȼ������δֹͣǴ�����ࡣ
1. someone (especially a woman) who annoys people by constantly finding fault
2. censure severely or angrily
3. show one's unhappiness or critical attitude