1. We want to buy office Scissors, School Scissors, Household Scissors, Kitchen Scissors, Cutting Tools, Broaches and Cutters. ����Ҫ�ɹ��칫�Ҽ�����ѧ���������ü������������������ߡ�
2. office Scissors, School Scissors, Household Scissors, Kitchen Scissors, Cutting Tools, Broaches and Cutters. �ɹ���Ʒ�칫�Ҽ�����ѧ���������ü������������������ߡ�
3. FUNCTION :Available For grinding of kitchen knife, scissors, flower scissors, tree scissors and cutters of mountaineering. ���ܣ�����ĥˮ�������㽶������������������������ɽ���ࡣ
4. This next generation X-Grip has a slightly thicker grip wall than X-Grip. �����һ����X�����бڽϺ��ץ�����ȵ�Xץ������
5. Curved scissors are the exclusive cross-stitch, and use this neat pair of scissors can deal with patterns of small parts. �������ʮ������ר�õģ��������ּ������Ըɾ����䴦��ͼ����ϸС��λ��
tea kettle with grip handle tea pot with grip handle �ְѲ��;
tea kettle with grip handle tea pot with grip handle �ְѲ��;