1. Dayton International Ltd. - Aerial work platform, under bridge work platform, boom, scissor, vertical lift, scaffold, material lift, ladder, fibreglass ladder, safety belt. �߿չ���̨���ŵ���������ʽ����̨������ʽ����̨����ֱ����̨�������ܡ����������������ݡ���ά�ݡ�
2. I then go to the tail area, scissor in the top of the tail and begin to carve in the topline. Ȼ����ȥβ���������ڶ�����β�ͣ���ʼ������Ӫ�ա�
3. Jaws and teeth strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i. e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws. ��������Ѱ����Ȯ���°��������������Ľ�ϣ��Խ����ķ�ʽ��ȫҧ�ϣ����������������������ݽ��ܵ��ص���
4. Cut the jumpers currently hard-wired, shown below with scissor icons. �����ж���ͼ����ͼ����ָ�ĵ�·���ϵ����ߡ�
5. I wonder if you received the Chinese knot and traditional scissor-cut from me? ��֪���ϻؼĸ�����й���ͼ�ֽ�յ���ô��