1. This next generation X-Grip has a slightly thicker grip wall than X-Grip. �����һ����X�����бڽϺ��ץ�����ȵ�Xץ������
2. His hands grip the metal balustrade, let go, grip again. �����ְѽ��������ս����ɿ����ɿ����ս���
3. Some people prefer the shake-hands grip. Other prefer the penhold grip. ����ϲ�����գ����ģ��������˶�Ա��ϲ��ֱ�գ��ģ���
4. THE GRIP: Shake hands with the racket. (eastern grip) Extend your index finger in a trigger fashion. ���ģ�������һ����ס�ı�������ʽ�շ�������������ʳָ���۰��״��
5. The results indicated that the effects of the grip diameter, length between the left and right grip and operating posture on maximal operating force were significant. ������������ֱ��ճ�ֱ�����ճֳ����Լ��ճ����ƶԲ�������Ӱ�춼��������
tea kettle with grip handle tea pot with grip handle �ְѲ��;
tea kettle with grip handle tea pot with grip handle �ְѲ��;