1. Satiated, it finally slept, alone in the void. �����������ˣ��¶��س�˯�����֮����
2. Hunger of the mind can be actually satiated through extensive reading. ��ʵ�ϣ�˼��ļ�������ͨ���㷺���Ķ������㡣
3. The results showed that people can detect lower concentrations of saltiness and sweetness when they're hungry than when they're satiated. �����ʾ�����ڼ�����ʱ��ȳԱ�������¸��ܲ����Ũ�ȵ��κ�����Һ��
1. supplied (especially fed) to satisfaction
satiated �������;
dull or satiated ����;
satiated after eating far too much turkey and stuffing ����̫��Ļ����������;