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sampling ['sɑ:mpliŋ, 'sæ-]



    n. ȡ��������
    v. ȡ����������sample��ing��ʽ��



    1. Sampling a light blue from the design, paint in a range of lens flare style shapes.
    2. Methods Use electrocardiograph matching cardiovascular disease to do sampling survey, and analyze 600 cases of ECG.
    3. Using Object-Oriented Technology(OOT) to implement the data sampling, recording, maintenance and reappearance function module in industry control system.


      1. (statistics) the selection of a suitable sample for study
      2. items selected at random from a population and used to test hypotheses about the population
      3. measurement at regular intervals of the amplitude of a varying waveform (in order to convert it to d


    ����; ȡ��; �ṩ��Ʒ; �������������;
    sampling inspection
    �������; ��������; ȡ�����; ѡ�����;
    stratified sampling
    �ֲ����; ͳ�ƴ���; �ֲ�ȡ��; �֌ӳ��;
    probability sampling
    ���ʳ���; ���ʳ���; �C�ʳ��; ��������;
    sampling rate
    ������; ȡ����; ȡ��Ƶ��; �������٣���;


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