1. Below that are four world champions at their position of maximum body rotation. ���µ����ĸ�����ھ�������ת���Ƕ����ʱ����̬��
2. Besides, the thrower should have good balance, especially during the rotation of the body. ���У�Ͷ���˶�ԱӦ�нϺõ�ƽ���������ر���������תʱ��
3. This project is to research the order tracking methods to extract rotation related signal and separate disturbed noise from complicated engine vibration signal. ���������о��Ӹ��ӵķ��������ź�����ȡ��ת����ص��źţ�������������Ľױȸ��ٷ�����
1. the act of rotating as if on an axis
2. (mathematics) a transformation in which the coordinate axes are rotated by a fixed angle about the o
3. a single complete turn (axial or orbital)
4. a planned recurrent sequence (of crops or personnel etc.)