1. She drives carefully up the rocky lane. ��С�ĵ�����ʯͷС�↑ȥ��
2. On our right we can see a rocky cliff over 400 feet high. �����ǵ��ұ��ܿ���һ������400Ӣ�߸ߵĶ������¡�
3. The rocky structure that make up coral reefs are actually a build-up of calcium secreted by coral polyps. ɺ��ͼƬ��������ʯ�Ľṹ����ɺ������ʵ���Ͻ����ڸƵķ�����ɺ���档
1. abounding in rocks or stones
2. causing or characterized by jolts and irregular movements
3. liable to rock
4. full of hardship or trials
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