1. In this way, it effectively shut out all price rivalry. �����ַ�����Ч���ų���һ�м۸�����
2. But many fear that more fighting is to come, even if Messrs Kabila and Bemba do agree to try to keep their rivalry peaceful. ���������˵��Ľ����ᷢ�������ͻ����ʹ�������ͱ���ȷʵ��ͼά������֮��ƽ���ĵж�״̬��
3. The rivalry between the developer from the size and power products increased competition for enterprise brand influence competition. ��չ��֮��Ľ��ӹ�ģ�Ͳ�Ʒ���ϵľ�������Ϊ��ҵƷ��Ӱ�����ľ�����
1. the act of competing as for profit or a prize