1. Granted that the ritual burial of kin is a sacred obligation, but only a ritual (it need only be a token sprinkling, which is all that Antigone can supply), why is it so important to her? �ٶ�����������������ʥ����ʽ��Ϊ�ε�������ʽ����ֻ�������Ե����ƣ����ǰ�����������ṩ�ģ�ȴ�������dz���Ҫ��
2. Fa is a wonderfully multivalent word: it refers to the capacity of ritual performed by experts to be magically effective �C these ritual experts are lumped together now as Daoists; ���Ǹ����ж�������Ĵʣ�������ָ�ڽ���ʽ�Ϸ�ʦ�����е�������Ч�ķ��£���Щ��ʦ����ͳ�Ƶ�ʿ����
3. "Carnival ritual" is the main ritual of carnival, which is "Putting on crown and taking off crown banteringly". ����ʽ���ǡ��ڡ�����Ҫ����ʽ������Ц�ʵظ�����������������ᡱ��
4. Granted that the ritual burial of kin is a sacred obligation, but only a ritual (it need only be a token sprinkling, which is all that Antigone can supply), why is it so important to her? �ٶ�����������������ʥ����ʽ��Ϊ�ε�������ʽ����ֻ�������Ե����ƣ����ǰ�����������ṩ�ģ�ȴ�������dz���Ҫ��
5. In Han Dynasty, Confucian scholars had a special liking on making ritual and continuously stirred up the wave of making ritual. ����ʱ�ڵ������ԡ�����֮�����ж��ӣ������糱�����������ϡ�