1. Today, raw material billets, steel prices rose once again pull, cost-push pipe prices still rising demand, the prices of short-term business planning possible again. ����ԭ�ϸ��������ּ۸��ٴ����ǣ��ɱ��ƶ����ܼ۸��Դ������ǵ����������̼Ҽ۸��������ٴβ��ǵĿ��ܡ�
2. Fast-rising land prices have lifted local government revenues, so officials have a vested interest in keeping prices inflated. �������������ؼ۸�̧���˵ط����������룬��˹�Ա�ж����÷���ά�����ǡ�
3. Falling house prices, tighter credit conditions, rising unemployment, as well as higher prices at the petrol pump, all cloud the outlook for consumer spending. �����µ����Ŵ�������ʧҵ���ӣ������ͼ����ǣ�������Щ��Ϊ������֧����������Ӱ��
4. While prices are rising so fast, many shops think they can jump on the bandwagon and raise their prices, too. ��ǰ��۷��ǣ��ܶ��̵���Ϊ���Ը���ͷ��Ҳ��������ǵ���ۡ�
5. As the prices of raw materials, while the sales prices in the wake of rising competition in the market slow, low-profit status in the concrete industry, a certain pressure to the company. ����ԭ�����Ǽۡ������ۼ۸����г��������ǻ�������������ҵ������״̬������˾����һ��ѹ����
He put forward a proposal of setting up a project team to handle the rising prices ���������һ����Ŀ�������������ǵ����⡣;