1. A baobab is something you will never, never be able to get rid of if you attend to it too late. ��һ�ú�������磬������ε�̫�٣�����Ҳ�������������
2. I understand. So the poor can af ford the price. And the people in the Africa could get rid of hunger . �Ҷ��ˡ�������Щƶ�����˾��ܸ�����������۸������Ǿ������뼢���ˡ�
3. Bedlington breeders have worked very hard to get rid of this problem, been very open about it, and so it is often thought of as "only" a Bedlington disease. ����ٵķ�ֳ�ߺ�Ŭ������Ҫ�������ּ�����Ҳ�ܿ��ϲ������������������ͨ��Ҳ�������ǡ�Ψһ������ٲ��еļ�����
4. The commission has told 17 countries to get rid of special protective rules cosseting notaries. ŷ��ίԱҪ����17����Ա�����ϳ�����Դ���֤�˵ı���������
5. At first, he could not get rid of a culpable sense of licence on his part. �տ�ʼ�������ⷽ�������������Լ��ķ��ݱ���һ�������ѵĸ��θС�
get rid of poverty and backwardness ����ƶ�����;
debar eliminate obviate remove get rid of exclude �ų�;
Rid Fisher �����;
Rid Thronheim of Honk Worshippers ʹ����ķ���������̵�����;