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revolution [,revə'lju:ʃən]



    n. ��������ת�����У�ѭ��



    1. Revolution is a key theme of the era.
    2. The army officers led a revolution against the king.
    3. The revolution caused the overthrow of the autocracy.


      1. a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving
      2. the overthrow of a government by those who are governed
      3. a single complete turn (axial or orbital)


    ����; ����/��ת,��ת; ��ת; ��ת;
    revolution counter
    ת����; ת����; ת�ټ�; ת��������;
    Glorious Revolution
    ���ٸ���; ��s����;
    French Revolution
    ���������; ��������; ���������; �����������;
    Green revolution
    ��ɫ����; ��ɫ����̬������; ��ɫ����; �����ĸ�;


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