1. The crops revived after the rain. ׯ��������ָֻ���������
2. Therefore, the ideal is that when I - when a people can "revive" the doctor! ���ԣ�����ʱ�ҵ�������ǡ�����һ�������ˡ�������������ҽ����
3. Our dear hero, please revive Your maidservants with the nectar of Your lips. �����װ���Ӣ�ۣ��������촽�ĸ�¶�����Ů���
1. cause to regain consciousness
2. give new life or energy to
3. be brought back to life, consciousness, or strength
4. restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state
5. return to consciousness
Revive ����;
Revive Holiness ����ʥ��;
Revive Revival ��������;
Max Revive Ԫ��ҩ��;
Revive Love ���°���;
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