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revision [ri'viʒən]



    n. ��������ϰ���޶���



    1. Plan for costs of course development and revision.
    2. CCTV news broadcast about the revision of the host, which will also face adjustment.
    3. Through the program debugging, revision, we have finally realized to control the continuous sintering furnace parts transportation.


      1. the act of revising or altering (involving reconsideration and modification)
      2. the act of rewriting something
      3. something that has been written again


    ���; У��; ����; ��ϰ;
    benchmark revision
    ��׼�����޶�; ��׼�����޶� �ƾ�;
    cadastral revision
    Revision Level
    �汾��ʶ; �޶�����; ��������;
    revision number
    �޶���; �汾��; �޶�����; �޶��汾��;


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