1. So I will pollute the princes of the sanctuary, And I will consign Jacob to the ban and Israel to revilement. ������Ҫ��ûʥ�������죬ʹ�Ÿ���Ϊ���磬ʹ��ɫ�г�Ϊ���
2. So I will pollute the princes of the sanctuary, And I will consign Jacob to the ban and Israel to revilement. ������Ҫ��ûʥ�������졢ʹ�Ÿ���Ϊ���硢ʹ��ɫ�г�Ϊ���
3. With revilement and torture let us put him to the test that we may have proof of his gentleness and try his patience. ���գ������ó���Ϳ������������鿴���Ƿ��������������Ƿ����͡�
1. a rude expression intended to offend or hurt