1. When he was a boy he was always violent and revengeful. ���Ǹ��к�����ʱ����ʼ�����ױ��ġ��г�ر��ġ�
2. If you converse with those that despise and injure you, strengthen yourself against impatient, revengeful pride. ��������Щ�����㣬�˺������������Ҫ����Լ����������ͷ����ñ����Ľ�����
3. Beowulf is the central Scandinavian hero. He fights against the monster Grendel, his revengeful mother , and a fire-breathing dragon . �����並��˹������ά�ǵ�����Ӣ�ۣ���սʤ�������¶����������е���ĸ�Լ�һ����������
1. disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge