1. The top of retainer must drop just below threads in the valve body. �̶����Ķ�������պ�λ�ڷ����������·���
2. Disengage the blower motor wire harness from the wire harness retainer . �Ѵ�����������������������п������������
3. Install new retainer module assembly into valve body by aligning "U" shaped cutout in retainer with the valve outlet. ͨ�����뻤Ȧ�Ϻͷ��ų��ڵġ�U�����пڣ����µĻ�Ȧģ���ܳ�װ�䵽�����ڡ�
1. a fee charged in advance to retain the services of someone
2. a person working in the service of another (especially in the household)
3. a dental appliance that holds teeth (or a prosthesis) in position after orthodontic treatment