1. The computer reproduced the data as a set of diagrams. �������һ��ͼ������Щ����������ʾ������
2. Many groups of organisms, notably the majority of animals and plants, reproduce sexually. ��������Ⱥ�飨�ر��Ǵ���������ֲ������Է�ֳ�ġ�
3. When the mosquito bites, it releases the sporozoites, which enter human liver cells through the bloodstream and reproduce asexually. �ó涣ҧ�˵�ʱ����ͷų������ӣ���ͨ��Ѫ�������ϸ�������ҽ���������ֳ��
1. make a copy or equivalent of
2. have offspring or young
3. recreate an idea, mood, atmosphere, etc. as by artistic means
4. repeat after memorization