1. The prisoner condemned to death was reprieved for two years. �����̵��ﷸ����������ִ�С�
2. You have a seven-day reprieve! ��������ʱ����ʱ�þȣ�
3. Must control the application of the death penalty with reprieve from the procedure and substantiality. ����ӳ����ʵ��������������ƶȵ����ý��п��ơ�
1. a (temporary) relief from harm or discomfort
2. an interruption in the intensity or amount of something
3. a warrant granting postponement (usually to postpone the execution of the death sentence)
4. the act of reprieving; postponing or remitting punishment v.
1. postpone the punishment of a convicted criminal, such as an execution
2. relieve temporarily
reprieve ����;
reprieve respite ����ִ��;
judicial reprieve ˾������;
reprieve system ����ִ����;
Cloak of Certain Reprieve ������������ ȷ���ݻ�����;