1. She couldn't meet the payments,so they repossessed the car. �����������ڸ���������ǰ������ջ�ȥ�ˡ�
2. The legal proceedings initiated by a creditor to repossess the collateral for loan that is in default. ��Դ��ծȨ������Ƿ���������»�ô���ķ������ߡ�
3. Because, while you may find yourself caught in the crossfire of an embattled economy, no one can evict you from your experiences or repossess your memories. ��Ϊ����Ȼ��Ҳ�������Լ������鷳���õĻ���������ϣ���˭Ҳ��������������飬����û����ļ��䡣
1. claim back
2. regain possession of something