1. set up all kinds of reports including balance sheet, profit report , fg/wip report , alaysis on margin profit by products, sales report and monthly ageing report. �����ʲ���ծ����������������깤��Ʒ���ڲ�Ʒ�ijɱ����������Ʒ������������Լ�Ӧ���ʿ�����������档
2. Lithographing that is, it came to pass business card printing and membership card making, belong to the offset business card printing making and membership card. ʯӡ��ʯ���ƿ��ͻ�Ա����Ϣ������ƽ���ƿ��ͻ�Ա����Ϣ�ij�ʼ�Ρ�
3. The industry analysis of the view that the business card printing and membership card equipment import tariff policy adjustment for domestic card and membership card equipment import trade. ҵ����ʿ������Ϊ���ƿ��ͻ�Ա�������豸����˰���ߵĵ��������ҹ��ƿ��ͻ�Ա�������豸����ó��Ӱ�켫��
4. You may pay cash, or pay with VISA Care, Master Card, American Express Card, Diner's Card or JCB Card. The bank charges 4% commission. ���ѿɸ��ֽ�Ҳ��ʹ��VISA�������´│����ͨ������������JCB��������������ཻ��4%�����ѣ����м��գ���
5. You may pay cash, or pay with VISA Care, Master Card, American Express Card, Diner's Card or JCB Card. The bank charges 4% commission. ���ѿɸ��ֽ�Ҳ��ʹ��VISA�������´│����ͨ������������JCB��������������ཻ��4%�����ѣ����м��գ���