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replacement [ri'pleismənt]



    n. ��������λ�������ߣ������Ա



    1. Cumulative replace function, can replace the replacement string for prefix and suffix to achieve cumulative.
    2. Should scientists be allowed to use human tissue to grow cells to cure diseases or even to grow replacement organs, like hearts or livers?
    3. Identify and resolve equipment malfunctions, working with manufacturers and field representatives as necessary to procure replacement parts.


      1. an event in which one thing is substituted for another
      2. the act of furnishing an equivalent person or thing in the place of another
      3. someone who takes the place of another person
      4. a person or thing that takes or can take the place of another
      5. filling again by supplying what has been used up
      6. a person who follows next in order


    �滻; ����; ����; ������˻���;
    Replacement costs
    ���óɱ�; �����ɱ�;
    replacement parts
    �滻���; �������滻���; ����,�滻���,�����õ����; ����;
    replacement reserve
    ���ô�����; ���´�����; ���¹��̴�����; ���¸������;
    replacement ratio
    �����ϵػ����û���; �û���; �ػ������û��ʣ����ϵػ���; �û��ʣ����ϵػ���;


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