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rendering ['rendəriŋ]



    n. ���룻���֣����ݣ���д����ף���������ȣ�͸��ͼ
    vt. ��ʹ�����ݣ���ף�render��ing��ʽ��
    vi. ���貹����rendr��ing��ʽ��



    1. Chapter 5, Rule 5: Put Stylesheets at the Top reveals how stylesheets affect the rendering of your page.
    2. The rendering looks like a giant twisted birthday candle, intended to spin its way upward as the tallest building in North America.
    3. Standard material has a diffuse shading model that does an excellent job of rendering solid, non reflective objects such as plastic, ceramic, and so on.


      1. a performance of a musical composition or a dramatic role etc.
      2. an explanation of something that is not immediately obvious
      3. the act of interpreting something as expressed in an artistic performance
      4. a written communication in a second language having the same meaning as the written communication in
      5. a coat of stucco applied to a masonry wall
      6. perspective drawing of an architect's design
      7. giving in acknowledgment of obligation


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    Rendering Flags
    ��Ⱦ���; ��Ⱦ(����)����; ��Ⱦ��־;
    Rendering Editors
    Volume Rendering
    �����; �ݻ�����; ������Ⱦ; �������;
    Distributed Rendering
    �ֲ�ʽ��Ⱦ; �ֲ�ʽ��Ⱦ����; ��ִ�з�����ɫ; ��ɢʽ��Ⱦ;


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