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render ['rendə]



    vt. ��ʹ�������ʵʩ����ɫ���ԡ��ر�
    vi. ���貹��
    n. ��ף����ɣ���ˢ



make   ��ͨ�ôʣ�ָǿ�Ȼ�Ȱ��������ij�¡�
cause   ��ʽ�ôʣ�����ָʹij�·�����ԭ��
get   ����ָȰij����ij�£���ָʹij���ﴦ��ij��״̬�����ij�ֽ����
have   ��ͨ�ôʣ�ָ��ij����ij�¡�
render   �����ôʣ���ָ��������ض�ʹij�˻�ij�ﴦ��ij��״̬��


    1. They couldn't resist any more and decided to render up the city.
    2. A computer also uses this to render a solid representation.
    3. The State Food and Drug Administration shall render its settlement opinions within 20 days.


      1. a substance similar to stucco but exclusively applied to masonry walls
      2. cause to become
      3. provide or furnish with
      4. give an interpretation or rendition of
      5. give or supply
      6. pass down
      7. make over as a return
      8. give back
      9. to surrender someone or something to another
      10. show in, or as in, a picture
      11. coat with plastic or cement
      12. bestow
      13. restate (words) from one language into another language
      14. melt (fat or lard) in order to separate out impurities


    ��Ⱦ; ��ɫ����Ⱦ; ����; ����;
    Render Globals
    һ����Ⱦ; ��Ⱦȫ��; ����Ⱦ;
    Quick Render
    Render Options
    ��Ⱦѡ��; ��Ⱦ����; ������Ⱦѡ��; ������Ⱦѡ��;
    Batch Render
    ������ɫ; ������Ⱦ; ��������Ⱦ;


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