1. In fixing the remuneration we shall have respect to the work entailed and the qualifications of the person appointed. �����ھ���һ����Ӧ�õ��Ͷ�����ʱ��Ҫ���������ʸ�������е��Ĺ�����
2. Remuneration paid to a broker on the sale or lease of property calculated as a percentage sum or agreed sum of the selling price or rental value of the real estate. ֧����һ�����͵ķ��ã���Ϊ��ҵ���ۺ����ı��꣬ͨ�������ۼ۵��ܺͻز�����˰�۵�һ���ٷֱȻ�ͬ�����
3. The Remuneration Committee may from time to time appoint any person (includes Company Secretary) with appropriate qualification and experiences as the secretary of the Committee. н��ίԱ��������κ�ʱ��ί���κξ߱����ʵ��ʸ������ˣ�������˾���飩ΪίԱ������顣
1. something that remunerates
2. the act of paying for goods or services or to recompense for losses