1. Adventurous individualism and the spirit of independence characteristic of the previous era yield to a desire for system and regularity. ��һ��ʱ���е�ð�յĸ�������Ͷ����˸�ľ��������ڶ��ƶȺ����ԵĿ�����
2. By the heat balance calculations of the process, the coordination and variety regularity of characteristic parameters of spray drying in actual production are analysed. ͨ���Ըø�����̵�����ƽ����㣬������ʵ����������������ϵͳ���ܲ�����Э����ϵ�ͱ仯���ɡ�
3. They perform an operation on machine safety system and protection equipment with uniformity and regularity of the method, and the operator provides a safe working environment. ���ǶԻ���֮����в����İ�ȫϵͳ�ͱ���װ�þ���ͳһ���ɵķ�������Ϊ�������ṩ��һ����ȫ�Ĺ���������
1. a property of polygons: the property of having equal sides and equal angles
2. the quality of being characterized by a fixed principle or rate