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registration [,redʒi'streiʃən]



    n. �Ǽǣ�ע�᣻�Һ�



    1. Please fill out this registration card.
    2. The intimidated party shall make the application within one year since the day of marriage registration.
    3. Convention registration form is an important method of information collection for convention organizers.


      1. the act of enrolling
      2. the body of people (such as students) who register or enroll at the same time
      3. a document certifying an act of registering
      4. (music) the sound property resulting from a combination of organ stops used to perform a particular
      5. the act of adjusting something to match a standard


    �Ǽ�; ע��; �Ի�; ע�����;
    Registration Fee
    �Һŷ�; ע���; �ǼǷ�; ������;
    registration card
    �Ǽǿ�; ע�Ῠ; ע��֤; �ǼDZ�;
    submit registration
    �ύ�����͵ǼDZ�; ���ⰴť����ע��; ��һ��; �ύ�����͵ǼDZ� ��;
    Radiology Registration


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