1. At each diaper change, sprinkle lightly to absorb moisture and refreshen skin before applying our Diaper Rash or Calendula Creams. ��ÿ�θ�����Ƭ����ʹ�û��θ���յ��˪ǰ��������ˮ������Ƥ����
2. In order to develop the high-quality medical talents in the 21st century, the key point is to refreshen educational concepts and to carry out quality education. ����21������Ҫ�ĸ�����ҽѧ�˲ţ��ؼ��Ǹ��½������ʵʩ���ʽ�����
3. Objective: A simple apparatus for volatile oil determination is designed with the use of common glass apparatus in order to refreshen the shortcoming of pharmacopoeia device. Ŀ�ģ��ó��ò���������װһ�ֻӷ��ͺ����ⶨ�ļ���װ�ã��Բ���ҩ�京���ⶨ�����IJ��㡣
1. become or make oneself fresh again
2. make fresh again