1. Reenforce two teachers under air protection, attack awn street, Locbinh. ��Ԯ������ʦ�ڿվ��ڻ��£�����â�֡�»ƽ��
2. Thai Army commander the Arab League vertical stroke loose orders the first armed forces to set out the reenforce. ̩��½��˾�Ŭ�������һ���ij�����Ԯ��
3. The ultimate aim of the system is to reenforce communication between client and seller, as well as the sell of houses. ��ϵͳ������Ŀ�ľ��Ǽ�ǿ�û������۷��Ĺ�ͨ���ٽ��������ۡ�
1. make stronger
reenforce Ԯ��;
aid assistance backing reenforce reenforcement subvention succor Ԯ��;