1. Her artificial world was redolent of orchids and pleasant, cheerful snobbery. ������Ϊ����������������������������С�
2. Over the back of a silver spoon float a measure of Qualactin Hypermint extract, redolent of all the heady odours of the dark Qualactin Zones, subtle sweet and mystic. �����ױ���Ư����һ��λ����͡�����ɵ���ȡ���ɢ��������˺ڰ�����͡��������������ζ������������ء�
3. It's a theme redolent in most of her works, which are known for jolting readers with their frank descriptions of sexuality, pathos and conflict between men and women. �������Լ���������̬������Լ���ͻ��ֱ����д������Ϊ����Ʒ��Ψһ���⣬Ҳʹ�����������
1. serving to bring to mind
2. (used with `of' or `with') noticeably odorous
3. having a strong pleasant odor