1. The wartime cabinet first recruited men into the forces from non-essential industries. սʱ�ڸ����ȴӷ��ص㹤ҵ����ļ��Ա������װ������
2. From Camp menu you can recruit 20 new lords. Ӫ�ز˵��У���������ļ20����������
3. Outline the process you would follow in order to recruit a new member of staff to an existing job as an administration clerk. ����һ�����еĹ���ְλ����Ҫ��Ƹһλ��Ա����Ϊ��������ְԱ����Ҫ�г��㽫��ѭ�Ĺ��̴�١�
1. a recently enlisted soldier
2. any new member or supporter (as in the armed forces) v.
1. register formally as a participant or member
2. seek to employ
3. cause to assemble or enlist in the military
recruit ��Ƹ;
new recruit ����Ƹ��Ա;
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