1. The cytoplasm and cell borders are not recognizable. ϸ������ϸ���˵ı�Ե�ֱ治�塣
2. Yes, I have seen a lot of other mercenaries here. And you are right - many of them are recognizable. �ǵģ���ע�����ۼ��������Ӷ�����������ǶԵġ�������֮�е������Ҷ���ʶ��
3. In a system using network coding, the file would no longer be stored as a whole or in recognizable pieces. Ȼ�����ڲ�����·�����ϵͳ�������Ҳ��������������ʽ����ɱ�ʶ��Ƭ�δ��ڡ�
1. easily perceived; easy to become aware of
2. capable of being recognized