1. I'd like to help create an internationally recognisable Chinese pop music sound. ��ҪЭ��������һ�ֹ���֪���Ļ���������������
2. The world map of wine regions, however, is hardly recognisable from the 1971 version of the Atlas. Ȼ����1971���ġ��������ѾƵ�ͼ�����ѷ�ӳ���ѾƲ��ص������ͼ��
3. JJ Lin is one of Singapore's most recognisable musical exports, having made a name for himself in the regional Chinese pop scene. �ֿ������¼������ܹ������ֳ�Ʒ�ң����й��������ֽ����������Ѿ�ռ��һϯ֮�ء�