1. Try to be receptive and learn as much as you can from others at this time. ���ԣ���Ӧ�����Ž�����Щ�۵㣬�������ܶ�Ĵӱ�������ѧ��һЩ������
2. There are some attributes we consider "natural" and so less receptive to training. ������Ϊ��Щ�����������ģ����Լ�����ѵ���ijɹ���
3. Sensory neurophysiologists use the term "receptive field" to define the amount of skin that when stimulated causes a neuron to respond by producing action potentials. �о��о���������ѧ�ҽ����ܴ̼�����������ij����Ԫ����������λ��Ƥ��������Ϊ������������
1. open to arguments, ideas, or change
2. ready or willing to receive favorably
3. of a nerve fiber or impulse originating outside and passing toward the central nervous system
4. able to absorb liquid (not repellent)