1. According to the example, this is an efficient approach over FTA, but also it can handle diagnosis reasoning and exculpation reasoning and that FTA cannot. ʵ���������÷��������ȹ�����������FTA������Ч�������ܽ��й������������ܽ��е���������ͱ��������
2. This angered him still more, as in his heart he felt convinced, not by reasoning, but by something stronger than reasoning, of the indubitable truth of his own view. ���ʹ�����е����գ���Ϊ������ƾ����������ƾ��������������ֱ����Ϊ�Լ��Ŀ�������ȫ��ȷ�ġ�
3. Human is not God. God is reasoning, human isn't, human would rather vituperate than reasoning. �˲����ϵۣ��ϵ��ǽ������ģ����Dz��������ģ��˸��������á�
4. The logic analysis of anti-reality hypothesis compound sentence is to reveal its hidden logic thinking modalities which are different reasoning, counterevidence and figurative reasoning. �Է���ʵ���踴�������������Ҫ��ʾ�������̺�����˼ά��ʽ�����������������취������֤���ͱ���������
5. This expert system uses production rules to represent knowledge. Knowledge base is managed by DBMS. Direct reasoning is made by depth-first search in reasoning machine. ��ϵͳ���ò���ʽ֪ʶ��ʾ����������DBMS����֪ʶ�⣬�����������������������ʽ������������
Inductive reasoning and Deductive reasoning ���ڹ��ɷ������;
Inductive reasoning and Deductive reasoning ���ڹ��ɷ������;