1. He applied for entrant to university 3 years ago. 3��ǰ������μӴ�ѧ��ѧ���ԡ�
2. This differentiation of the products results into the vertical and horizontal entry barrier of potential entrant. ���ڲ�Ʒ�IJ������DZ���г������ߺ��������Ľ�����ݡ�
3. Another touted 2010 entrant was Ray Mallock Ltd (RML), currently involved with Le Mans racing and the British and World touring car championships. ��һ����2010�����������������˾��RML����Ŀǰ�������â����������Ӣ�������緿����������
4. No company��large or small, incumbent or new entrant��can afford to be a riverboat gambler. And no company should. ���۹�˾��ģ�Ĵ�С��Ҳ������������ҵ���������е���ҵ���������ܳ��ܵ������ֳ����
5. Another touted 2010 entrant was Ray Mallock Ltd (RML), currently involved with Le Mans racing and the British and World touring car championships. ��һ����2010�����������������˾��RML����Ŀǰ�������â����������Ӣ�������緿����������