1. Every day not less than 12 hours get online. My skin is very poor. Be computer radiant reason? ���첻����12Сʱ���������ҵ�Ƥ���ܲ��ˡ��Dz��ǵ��Է����ԭ��
2. Another attribute is the flux or radiant power that can be delivered in that narrow frequency band . ��һ�����ʾ���������խ��Ƶ���ڿ��Ը����ܸߵĹ�ͨ������书�ʡ�
3. I don't feel it all the time, but there are moments when this deep and radiant energy just fills my being. �Ҳ�������ʱ�̶��о�����������һЩƬ�̣��������IJ��õ�������ֻ�dz����ҵĴ��ڡ�