1. Paul shocked the ladies with his racy stories. ��������Ĺ���ʹŮʿ�Ǹе���
2. Although the tourism industry would like to sell Macau as a racy, modern city, its real appeal it that it offers a very quiet, relaxing contrast to Hong Kong. ��Ȼ���β����Ƴ�����Ǹ����������ִ������У����������ȣ������������������������������˷��ɵ����ա�
3. Actress-director Sylvia Chang pulls out a new bag of tricks filled with vibrant animated sequences, wacky production design, a racy tempo and even cheeky first-person address to audience. ����Ա��������Ϊһ�����Ű����������Ķ�����������ֵĴ�����ƣ���������Ƥ�ĵ�һ�˳��ӽ�����ڳ����ⲿ���һ��ĵ�Ӱ��
1. full of zest or vigor
2. marked by richness and fullness of flavor
3. suggestive of sexual impropriety
4. designed or suitable for competing in a race