1. Fire resulting from broken gas or power lines is another major danger during a quake. �����������ѵ�ú���ܵ��͵�������Ļ�������һ����Ҫ��в��
2. Shortly after the quake, the pandas were transferred to safer places, but the bamboo groves could not be moved. �Ź�ȫ˵�����������ô���è����ת������ȫ�ش���������������Ǩ�ơ�
3. The quake has the potential to cause major damage because of its strength and proximity to major population centers. ��ε����п�����ɽϴ���ƻ�����Ϊ�˴�ǿ�ȸߣ�ͬʱ���ٽ��˿��ܼ������ij��С�
1. shaking and vibration at the surface of the earth resulting from underground movement along a fault
2. shake with fast, tremulous movements
3. shake with seismic vibrations