1. He pulverized the opposition with the force of his oratory. �������Ʊ�ѶԷ��������������
2. To beat to a powder or pulp; pulverize or crush. ���飬���飬���ã�����ɷ�ĩ��ĥ���ѹ�顣
3. It is the equipment to pulverize and mix the material in the process of gangue, coal ash shale. �û���Ҫ����ú��ʯ����ú�ҡ�ҳ�ҵ�ԭ���������̣���ԭ�ϴ����ؼ��豸��
1. make into a powder by breaking up or cause to become dust
2. destroy completely
3. become powder or dust
Pulverize ��ĥ�ɷ�;
Golem Pulverize ʯ�˻�����;
pulverize by pounding ��Ϊĭ;
Pulverize the Eiffel tower ���Ѱ��ƶ�����ĥ�ɷ�ĩ;
Pulverize the Eiffel towers �ݻ��ǰ��Ѷ�����;