1. The wave propagation in, perhaps, the most general model of a poroelastic medium is discussed. �����˵��Զ�����в��Ĵ����ģ������ǣ���һ���ģ�͡�
2. Under conditions of easterly flow, therefore, or very large westerly flow no vertical propagation will occur. �����ڶ���������ܴ����������������£�����������ֱ������
3. Explants are also a means of plant propagation, producing clones and offering a more rapid means of multiplication than seed production. ��֯����Ҳ��һ��ֲ�ﷱֳ��ʽ����������¡���ṩһ�ֱ����ӷ�ѿ��Ϊ���ٵ���ֳ������
1. the spreading of something (a belief or practice) into new regions
2. the act of producing offspring or multiplying by such production
3. the movement of a wave through a medium