1. It was curious to observe some faces which stood out prominently from among the group. �۲�һ����Ⱥ���м伸�űȽ�ͻ���������������˼�ġ�
2. Through analyzing the five problems existing now, brings forwards the four conflicts which should be resolved prominently. ͨ������Ŀǰ���ڵ�������⣬�����Ҫͻ��������ĸ�ì�ܡ�
3. The initial licensing requirements would be simply to label the beans prominently on the package and help in the promotion of Ethiopian coffee. ����������Ȩ�涨ֻ���ڰ�װ�����Ե����Ͽ��ȶ����̱꣬�������ڴ������������ǵĿ��ȡ�
1. in a prominent way
prominently ������;
emerge prominently ӿ��;
feature more prominently �еĸ���ͻ��;
stand out so prominently ���ͻ������ʾ����;
displayed as prominently as the traditional net-income ��ʾΪͻ������Ϊ��ͳ�ľ�����;